En placage de bois de violette, ornementation de bronze ciselé et redoré, le cadran signé DELORME à Paris, le mouvement DeLorme AParis ; restaurations au placage
Dimensions (cartel) :
H. : 94 cm (37 in.)
L. : 45 cm (17 ¾ in.)
Dimensions (applique) :
H. : 36 cm (14 ¼ in.)
L. : 46 cm (18 in.)
P. : 24 cm (9 ½ in.)
A Louis XV ormolu-mounted and rosewood cartel and its wall-bracket
Good overall condition xxx age and use. No obvious accidents or visually distressing losses. Bronzes have been regilt. Restorations to the veneer in places (some areas have been reveneered). Some traces of uplifting to the veneer in places and few splits to the veneer on the wall bracket. The key and the pendulum are missing. Please note that we do not guarantee the working state of the mechanism. Charming model with good proportions, ready to be displayed.
* Information aux acheteurs :
Pour une sortie de l'UE, un CITÈS de ré-export peut être nécessaire, celui-ci étant à la charge du futur acquéreur.
* Information to buyers :
For an exit from the EU, a Citès re-export certificate will be necessary, at the buyer's expense.