KEROUAC Jack. TRISTESSA. A new and hauntingly different novel about a morphine-racked prostitute. New York, Havon Book, 1960; in-12,...
KEROUAC Jack. TRISTESSA. A new and hauntingly different novel about a morphine-racked prostitute. New York, Havon Book, 1960; in-12,...
200 - €201
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KEROUAC Jack. TRISTESSA. A new and hauntingly different novel about a morphine-racked prostitute. New York, Havon Book, 1960; in-12,...
KEROUAC Jack. TRISTESSA. A new and hauntingly different novel about a morphine-racked prostitute. New York, Havon Book, 1960; in-12, couverture illustrée, broché. Édition originale publiée en livre de poche. Bel exemplaire.