Estimation :
20000 - 40 000 €
Vendu :
33 023 €

Description complète

Châssis n° 121 04085001844

Après un brillant retour à la compétition en 1952, Mercedes-Benz présenta deux ans plus tard une version GT de la 300 SL et annonça la prochaine mise sur le marché d'une voiture de cylindrée et de prix plus modestes, la190 SL. Celle-ci était construite sur la plate-forme raccourcie et renforcée de la berline 180 monocoque sur laquelle fut greffée une très élégante carrosserie de cabriolet inspirée de celle de la 300 SL. Le moteur était un nouveau quatre-cylindres à arbre à cames en tête de 1,9 litre, cousin du six-cylindres trois litres de la série 300. Solidement construite et luxueusement équipée, la 190 SL plafonnait à environ 170 km/h, mais elle n'avait aucune prétention sportive. Douce, civilisée et confortable, c'était une bonne et belle routière et elle reste aujourd'hui une valeur sûre par son élégance et sa fiabilité.

Ce cabriolet 190 SL de 1958, rare car à conduite à droite, n'a eu que deux propriétaires et son histoire mérite d'être contée. Le vendeur l'acquit de Mme Augustin-Thierry, petite-nièce du grand historien Augustin Thierry, écrivain spécialiste au XIXe siècle du Moyen Age. Mme Augustin-Thierry était très amie avec la mère du vendeur et celui-ci ayant vu la voiture en 1962-1963 se déclara acheteur. La réponse de la propriétaire fut alors négative, mais onze ans plus tard, la voiture lui fut proposée. La 190 SL est donc en sa possession depuis 1974, date de sa carte grise actuelle. De couleur ivoire avec intérieur en cuir bleu élégamment


After a brilliant return to the competition in 1952, two years later Mercedes-Benz presented a GT version of the 300 SL and announced the forthcoming release onto the market of a car of a more modest size and cost, the 190 SL. The latter was built on the shorter and strengthened platform of the 180 monocoque four-door saloon onto which very elegant cabriolet bodywork was fitted inspired by the bodywork of the 300 SL. The engine was a new 1.9 litre 4 cylinder overhead camshaft engine, cousin to the series 300 six-cylinder three litre engine. Solidly built and luxuriously fitted out, the 190 SL went up to 170 km/hr, but it never had any pretensions to be a sportscar. Gentle, civilised and comfortable, it was a beautiful car and good at long-distance driving, and it remains a safe asset today because of its elegance and reliability.

This 190 SL cabriolet from 1958, a rare right-hand drive car, has only had two owners and its history is worth recounting. The seller purchased it from Ms Augustin-Thierry, the great-niece of the great historian Augustin Thierry, a 19th century writer specialising in the Middle Ages. Ms Augustin-Thierry was very good friends with the seller's mother and when the seller saw the car in 1962-1963 he said that he wanted to buy it. At that time the owner said no, but eleven years later, he was offered the car. The 190 SL has therefore been owned by him since 1974, the date of its current carte grise (French car registration document). The car is ivory coloured with

blue leather interior with an elegant finish and a black roof, and it has 51,429 km on the clock. Its bodywork is in its original condition and the excellent positioning of its openings should be noted. The engine was changed in 1969 by the previous owner (invoice provided), and after a roadworthiness check in 2005, the car has not been used very much. Recently it cautiously returned to the road and it should be pointed out that the clock and grille star have been stolen. This 190 SL is being sold with its Mercedes maintenance manual (Customer Services) and its normal French carte grise (car registration document). This is a rare opportunity to purchase a beautiful 190 SL in its original condition, having only had two known owners.





Administrateur des ventes
Tél. +33 1 42 99 20 20

Ordres d’achat & Enchères par téléphone

Kristina Vrzests
Tél. +33 1 42 99 20 51
