Attribué à Claudio Francesco BEAUMONT
(Turin, 1694 - 1766)
Chryséis rendue à son père et La dispute d’Achille et d’Agamemnon
Paire d’huile sur toiles formant pendants
235,5 x 197,5 cm et 235,5 x 189 cm
(Accidents et restaurations)
Chryseis returned to her father and Quarrel of Achilles and Agamemnon, oil on canvas, a pair, attributed to Claudio Francesco Beaumont
92.72 x 77.75 in. and 92.72 x 74.41 in.
(Accidents and restorations)
Lot vendu sur désignation et stocké en Italie.
The lots are sold by description. They are located in Italy.