Carte grise française
ChĂ¢ssis n° 880117
Moteur n° 880117
- Historique intéressant, réputée ex-Lucien Rosengart !
- Ligne d'une rare élégance
- Moteur d'origine
C'est le cĂ©lèbre Charles Faroux qui rĂ©sumait le mieux la Delage D6 3 Litres dans une brochure de prĂ©sentation du modèle : " Voiture de " grand sport " traitĂ©e dans un esprit de " grand luxe " ". C'est cette mĂªme philosophie qui a guidĂ© la rĂ©alisation de cet Ă©lĂ©gant cabriolet 3 positions par GuillorĂ©. Celui-ci est rĂ©putĂ© avoir Ă©tĂ© commandĂ© neuf par le constructeur Lucien Rosengart pour sa fille, puis immatriculĂ© 4369 RQ3 le 9 juin 1948. Il est Ă noter que GuillorĂ© est le dernier carrossier français Ă proposer, Ă la fin des annĂ©es 40, des rĂ©alisations inspirĂ©es de l'apogĂ©e du style d'avant-guerre. C'est ainsi que ce cabriolet Ă©chappe aux lignes alourdies typiques de l'après-guerre, et offre une silhouette des plus Ă©lancĂ©e et fluide, faite de proportions parfaitement maĂ®trisĂ©es. Quelques exemplaires seront rĂ©alisĂ©s par le carrossier de Courbevoie et celui exposĂ© durant le Salon de l'Automobile de Paris 1947 prĂ©sente de troublantes similitudes avec le chĂ¢ssis 880117. Après avoir Ă©tĂ© immatriculĂ©e Ă Paris en 1952, elle fut achetĂ©e en 1979, via un intermĂ©diaire, par un collectionneur girondin qui la conservera près de 40 ans. Ce beau cabriolet a bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d'une restauration ancienne depuis le chĂ¢ssis et prĂ©sente un bel Ă©tat gĂ©nĂ©ral. La carrosserie est très saine, la peinture, tout comme la sellerie, est agrĂ©ablement patinĂ©e. La mĂ©canique et la boĂ®te Cotal, quant Ă elles, fonctionnent de façon satisfaisante, le beau six cylindres gratifiant le conducteur de sa sonoritĂ© veloutĂ©e. La calandre chromĂ©e est, quant Ă elle, surmontĂ©e d'une mascotte signĂ©e Max le Verrier figurant un condor. Nous invitons les acheteurs potentiels Ă consulter le rapport d'expertise rĂ©digĂ© en janvier 2020 qui confirme le bon Ă©tat gĂ©nĂ©ral de l'ensemble. Depuis, le coffre a Ă©tĂ© regarni par un sellier. Il ne fait aucun doute que ce superbe et performant cabriolet a autant sa place dans les concours d'Ă©lĂ©gance les plus sĂ©lectifs que sur les belles routes du rĂ©seau secondaire.
French title
Chassis n ° 880117
Engine n ° 880117
- Interesting history, reputed ex Lucien Rosengart!
- A very elegant design
- Matching numbers engine
It was the famous Charles Faroux who best summed up the Delage D6 3-Liters in a model presentation brochure: "A grand sport car with a touch of luxury ". It was this same philosophy that guided the design and development of this elegant 3-position convertible by Guilloré. This one is known to have been ordered new by the manufacturer Lucien Rosengart for his daughter, then registered 4369 RQ3 on June 9, 1948. It should be noted that Guilloré was the last French coachbuilder to offer, at the end of the 1940s, designs inspired from the heydays of pre-war style. For this reason, this convertible does not have the heavy lines typical of the post-war period, and offers a slender and fluid silhouette, with perfect proportions. A few were produced by the Courbevoie coachbuilder and the one exhibited during the 1947 Paris Motor Show is strikingly similar to chassis 880117. After being registered in Paris in 1952, the car was acquired in 1979, via an intermediary, by a collector from the Bordeaux area, who kept it for almost 40 years. This beautiful convertible has benefited from an older restoration, chassis upwards, and is in good overall condition. The bodywork is sound, the paint, like the upholstery, show a nice patina. The mechanicals and the Cotal gearbox work satisfactorily and the smooth six-cylinder gratifies the driver with its velvety sound. The chrome grille is topped by a mascot designed by Max le Verrier, depicting a condor. We invite potential buyers to consult the expert's report drawn up in January 2020, which confirms the general good condition of the car. Since then, the trunk has been refurbished by a saddler. There is no doubt that this superb and efficient convertible has its place in the most selective concours d'elegances, as much as on the beautiful roads of the countryside.
Photos © Alexis Ruben