Portrait de couple
Estimation :
3 000 € - 4 000 €
Vendu :
6 120 €

Description complète

Portrait de couple

Dessin original, signé et daté " Henry Miller 5 / 58 " au crayon sur un sein en bas à droite. Aquarelle, 44 x 52 cm, encadrement sous verre.

Spectaculaire composition, éclatante de couleur et de liberté, bien dans le ton du grand hédoniste que fut Henry Miller.

Couple féminin que l'on pourrait rapprocher de celui formé par Anastasia et Mona dans Nexus (1960), le troisième volet de la trilogie romanesque autobiographique The Rosy Crucifixion, dont Miller poursuivait alors la rédaction :

" I couldn't resist taking a peek at them. There was Stasia standing up in the tub scrubbing her pussy. She didn't scream or even say Oh ! As for Mona, she had just emerged from the shower, with a towel flung about her middle.
- "I'll rub you down," I said, grabbing the towel.
- While I rubbed and patted and stroked her she kept purring like a cat. Finally I doused her all over with cologne water. She enjoyed that too.
- "You're so wonderful," she said. "I do love you, Val. I really do." She embraced me warmly.
- "Tomorrow you get paid, don't you?" she said. "I wish you would buy me a brassière and a pair of stockings. I need them bad."
- "Of course," I replied. "Isn't there anything else you would like?"
- "No, that's all, Val dear."
- "Sure? I can get you anything you need - tomorrow."
- She gave me a coy look.
- "All right then, just one thing more."
- "What's that?"
- "A bunch of violets."
We rounded off his scene of connubial bliss with a royal fuck which was twice interrupted by Stasia who pretended to be searching for something or other and who continued to pace up and down the hall even after we had quietened down. " (Nexus, chapitre X).

- HENRY MILLER, ACQUERELLI. Dipingere è amare di nuovo. Pistoia, Museo Marino Marini, décembre 1999-janvier 2000. Reproduite sur la couverture et en p. 59 du catalogue.


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Kristina Vrzests
Tél. +33 1 42 99 20 51
