En bronze ciselé et doré, à trois bras de lumières issus d’un fût à décor de bustes d’hommes adossés, reposant sur une base circulaire à décor de fleurettes et palmettes stylisées, l’abat-jour en tôle laqué vert ; anciennement électrifiée, petits accidents à l’abat-jour
H. : 84 cm (33 in.)
l. : 73 cm (28 ¾ in.)
An Empire style gilt-bronze bouillotte lamp
Good overall condition despite the inevitable wears and marks in accordance with age and use. Wears to the gilding which is tarnished in places, as expected. Some tiny shocks and some stains to the painted tole lamp. One accident to one of the bronze sections relaying the central shaft to the lamp shade, thus resulting in the lampshade not standing straight, it would need to be restored by means of welding. The branches are loose and would benefit from strengthening. The handle is bent. Very elegant and highly decorative piece with very nice proportions and great potential.