Crayon sur papier
Six dessins portant le cachet des initiales "RD"
Dimensions à vue: 17 x 15,60; 16,50 x 10 cm; 16,50 x 9,20 cm; 9,20 x 17 cm; 10 x 16,10 cm; 10 x 16,10 cm; 9,70 x 16 cm; 9,70 x 15,30 cm
Madame Fanny Guillon-Laffaille et Monsieur David Guillon-Laffaille confirment l’authenticité de ces dessins.
Set of eight drawings in a single frame; pencil on paper; six drawings with the stamp of the initials; 6.69 x 6.14 in. - 6.49 x 3.93 in. - 6.49 x 3.62 in; - 3.62 x 6.69 in. -3.93 x 6.29 in. - 3.93 x 6.29 in. - 3.81 x 6.29 in. - 3.81 x 6.02 in.